Halle 5.0 / Moststube: Banquet, party, event hall

The Moststube shines. Through 52 glasses. 52 weeks a year.

The Moststube. This has been a tradition since 1943 and an essential part of OLMA and OFFA. It is a piece of St.Gallen, where modernity tells of the past.


Continue writing the history of the Moststube with your event, whether it is an information or a festive occasion, whether a concert or party.

Moststube - Grundriss
Gesamtfläche370 m2
Moststube280 m2
Moststübli90 m2
Bankett230 Personen
Bankett, runde Tische146 Personen
Konzert/Party stehend600 Personen
Konzert bestuhlt300 Personen



6 x 3 m + 40 cm, exkl. Rednerpult



Fixscheinwerfer weiss, 1 Beamer mit Leinwand, Audioanlage für Sprechveranstaltung mit 1 Mikrofon

Lageplan 5.0
Hallenplan 5.0